Monday, April 9, 2007

Nzinga and DNA

This DNA research is mind blowing. Finding out who you are can be addictive. I'm sure it's scary for some. Let me give you some background info, about a year ago I decided to enter my DNA into a project sponsored by National Geographic, the Genographic Project. Once you receive your DNA coding you are entered into several databases, the major databases are maintained by Family DNA, and Mitosearch. Because I am female the coding only applies to my maternal side so I entered my DNA in and now I am able to trace back my female DNA thousands, and thousands of years. Your DNA sequences are matched with others and you're off!

So far I've identified the following African Tribes in my lineage, the Mbundu (Angola), the Kung (Botswana/Angola/Namibia), and the Bakaka (Cameroon) and (no not that kind of bakaka), and the Bantu (Mozambique). I have also identified several living DNA matches in various places, Barbados, all over the US (lots in VA), and many countries in South America, primarily Brasil. I am making an effort to go to each place and learn about all the different tribal groups that I am related to. Today I found out that I have NZINGA in my bloodline, this would explain my behavior as a female at times. Nzinga for those that do not know was of Angoloan descent and is known as a symbol of inspiration for people everywhere. Queen Nzingha is also known by some as Jinga by others as Ginga. She was a member of the ethnic Jagas a militant group that formed a human shield against the Portuguese slave traders. As a visionary political leader, competent, and self sacrificing she was completely devoted to the resistance movement. She formed alliances with other foreign powers pitting them against one another to free Angola of European influence. She possessed both masculine hardness and feminine charm and used them both depending on the situation. She even used religion as a political tool when it suited her. Her death on December 17, 1663 helped open the door for the massive Portuguese slave trade. Yet her struggle helped awaken others that followed her and forced them to mount offensives against the invaders. These include Madame Tinubu of Nigeria; Nandi, the mother of the great Zulu warrior Chaka; Kaipkire of the Herero people of South West Africa; and the female army that followed the Dahomian King, Behanzin Bowelle. (Google) Although Nzinga was a bit violent, during this time she had to be, sorry to all my color deficient homies...but yall understand....I love you :). Anyway, I encourage everyone to find out what lurks in the distance, it really does complete you. I am battling with one little lady who will not reveal the family secret, she matched our DNA and apparently this lady doesn't want black relatives...I suppose she watched too much CNN during Katrina...we aren't all bad .LOL. Anyway...that's it for today folks.

PS. Nzinga was an AMAZON queen...that would explain my bodacious backside....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

inpi omzfc Juggs giitjk n pg g jgl

January 13, 2011 at 4:04 AM  

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